Exchange Traded Fund (ETF)

What are the risks involved in ETF investments?

Here are some of the potential risks that come with investing in ETFs.

  • Market risk: ETFs, like all investments in markets, are subject to market risks. However, diversifying across markets and sectors can help reduce this risk.
  • Bid-Ask Spread A spread is the difference between the ask price (lowest price that a seller will accept) and the bid price (highest price buyer is willing pay for a share). This spread can vary from one ETF or another. This is negated by higher liquidity
  • Index Tracking Error: Index Index ETFs track a specific index as its underlying. Due to the cash component in the portfolio, the ETF's returns can be lower than or higher than that of the underlying ETF.

What are ETFs?

State the benefits of investment in ETFs.

Describe the history of ETF.

Various types of ETFs for investment?

How to invest in ETFs?

Who are eligible for investing in ETFs?

In these schemes how can one invest regularly?Is there Systematic Investment plan available?

Are there any cost indulge in buying or selling ETF?

How are ETFs taxed?

Can an NRI invest in ETF?