Mutual funds related FAQs

What is the process to change the company's controlling interest of asset management ?

A. Requirement for Regulations. Rule 22 (e) of SEBI's (Mutual Funds Regulations, 1996, there can be no change in the controlling interest of an asset management company unless 1. The trustees and Board have given their approval (i.e. 1. SEBI …

What is the timing for SEBI's observations on SID ?

The scheme must be launched within six month of the SEBI's final observations. If the AMC plans to launch the scheme later than six months after the issuance of final observations from SEBI, it will file the SID with the …

In the limit of expense is service tax included ?

A. AMCs can charge Service Tax to the scheme according to applicable tax laws. However, the Regulations limit the amount of Service Tax that they may charge. B.MFs/AMCs can charge for service taxes on investment and advisory fees for the …

What are the restrictions on the fees that can pay for the scheme ?

A. A. B. B. The AMC, trustee or sponsors will pay for any expense not listed above. C. All expenses of a scheme, including any redemption or issue expenses, shall be borne by the AMC or trustee. The daily net …

How much fee payable by a MF / AMC ?

An annual fee shall be paid by mutual funds before the 15th of April for each financial year beginning after the year following registration. Annual Fee AAUM up INR 10,000 crore 0.0015% AAUM part of AAUM over INR 10, 000 …

Can an investor make payment through cash in mutual funds ?

You can make cash investments in mutual funds up to INR 50,000. But ,any kind of repayment (redemption or dividend) is made by the bank only .

What does Direct Plan work ?

SEBI has required mutual funds to launch a direct plan, which is a plan that allows direct investments. Direct investments are those not routed through distributors, and this was mandatory starting January 2013. This separate plan is exempted from distribution …

What does ASBA ( Application Supported by Blocked Amounts ) means ?

ASBA is a bank facility that allows investors to apply for new fund offers (NFOs), of mutual funds. Your application amount will be blocked in your bank account. The amount is not refundable until the MF unit allocation has been …

From where an investor get the information about the actual commission paid to distributors and about TER ?

The Consolidated Account Statement (CAS), which is issued to investors, must provide information about the total investment cost and purchase value of each scheme. The CAS for the half year (ended September/March 2016) must also include information about the actual …

Do I need to pay entry charge to the person who sells mutual fund scheme ?

Mutual fund schemes are exempt from entry charges, as stated above. A distributor can be paid by an investor based on how the investor evaluates various factors, including the services rendered by the distributor. AMC pays commission directly to distributors …

What does CAS ( consolidated Account Statement ) means ?

A CAS lists all transactions and investors holdings at the end each month, including transaction fees paid to distributors across all mutual fund schemes. Each calendar month, an investor receives a CAS. This is sent to all investors whose transactions …

What does Expense ratio work ?

The expense ratio is the annual fund operating costs of a scheme as a percentage the fund's daily net assets. Administration, management, and advertising expenses are all examples of operating expenses. A fund's expense ratio of 1% per year means …

What does Capital protection oriented scheme work ?

A capital protection-oriented scheme invests primarily in fixed income securities, but also in equities. These schemes can be closed-ended with fixed maturity terms, such as tenors of five years. These schemes can last from three to five year. Structure of …

What does Exchange trade fund work ?

ETFs can be bought or sold at the stock exchange as mutual fund units. ETFs are different from regular mutual funds units that investors can buy or sell directly or through a distributor. The AMC is not able to deal …

What does Tax saving scheme means ?

These schemes offer tax reductions to investors under certain provisions of the Income Tax Act 1961. The Government offers tax incentives to invest in specific avenues such as Equity Linked Savings Schemes under section 80C or Rajiv Gandhi Equity Saving …

How many types of mutual funds scheme ?

Maturity Periods: Mutual funds can be categories as whether they are open-ended or close-ended, depending on their maturity period. Open-ended Fund/Scheme A scheme or fund that can be subscribed to and repurchased on a continual basis is an open-ended one. …

How Net Asset Value determined after apply ?

Liquid schemes - Subscription 1. If the application is received by 2.00 p.m. on the same day, and funds are available before 2:00 p.m., without any credit facility, the closing NAV for the day immediately preceding application day will apply. …

How a mutual fund can register with SEBI ?

The application Form A must be submitted by an applicant who wants to sponsor a mutual funds in India. After the application has been reviewed, the sponsor must submit Form A along with a Rs.25,000 fee. These include executing the …

How investors can file their complaint ?

Investors will find the name and contact information for the mutual fund scheme in the offer document. They can use this information to address any queries, complaints, or grievances. The mutual fund's activities are monitored by trustees. In the offer …

What happens to the money if mutual fund scheme is wound up ?

The mutual funds will pay a sum that is based on the prevailing NAV after adjustments for expenses in case of winding down a scheme. Unitholders have the right to receive from mutual funds a report about winding down that …