Span Margin

In NSE , does Span margin calculated on all equity F& O positions for all products?


SPAN margin does not apply to products such as Super Multiple in Futures & Options. If there is a position in the Normal category and a hedged position to the normal situation is under Super Multiple Futures/ Options, then SPAN portfolio margin will not apply and client will not receive hedge benefit. Hedge positions in the Cash and derivative segments will not be eligible for cross-margin benefits.

What does SPAN margin mean?

What does Exposure margin mean?

During the day, does the requirement change for Span/Initial margin?

If I am holding positions in different underlying , do I get margin benefit?

If I am holding positions for both future & Options on same underlying, will I get margin benefit?

If I have counter position on different month on same underlying, will I get margin benefit?

Can Span margin be applied on all segment?

Where to check what kind of margin is applied?

What is the reason behind that for each F&O position, the Span margin doesn’t sum up for the final margin charged for that underlying?

If my hedging option is open, how will I get Span margin?

Even after squaring up few positions, why has my margin requirement increased?

As required by the exchanges, will the exposure and initial margin be charged same?