Span Margin

What is the reason behind that for each F&O position, the Span margin doesn’t sum up for the final margin charged for that underlying?

SPAN/Initial Margin is calculated at portfolio level. If there are multiple positions, such that only a few positions are internally hedged, the overall margin will be LESS than the sum of all positions. Spread benefit for the respective underlying will display the result.

What does SPAN margin mean?

What does Exposure margin mean?

During the day, does the requirement change for Span/Initial margin?

If I am holding positions in different underlying , do I get margin benefit?

If I am holding positions for both future & Options on same underlying, will I get margin benefit?

If I have counter position on different month on same underlying, will I get margin benefit?

Can Span margin be applied on all segment?

In NSE , does Span margin calculated on all equity F& O positions for all products?

Where to check what kind of margin is applied?

If my hedging option is open, how will I get Span margin?

Even after squaring up few positions, why has my margin requirement increased?

As required by the exchanges, will the exposure and initial margin be charged same?