Upstox FAQs

Does Upstox platform have installable trading terminal ?

Upstox doesn't offer an exe-based trading platform. It is only available as a web and mobile trading platform. RKSV does not offer third-party trading terminals, such as Omnesys, Dartstock and FoxTrader.

Is trading software integrated with the back office in Upstox ?

Are AMO/BO/CO available in Upstox web or mobile platform ?

Can we invest in Mutual Funds through Upstox ?

Why should a person open Upstox Basics account if there is free Equity Delivery Trading is free in Upstox Basic and Upstox Pro account ?

Why exe based trading terminal does not offer by Upstox so that I can install it on computer ?

Does any kind of Algo trading facilities are offered by Upstox ?

Does Upstox have SL and Trailing SL features ?

Does Upstox trading platform have modern strategies like Ichimoku Trend trading with ADX indicators ?

For third party demat linking , how long the shares will stay in your beneficiary account ?

Does BO and CO or Trailing SL facility in commodity available in Upstox ?

Can Upstox be profitable ?

What are the Annual Maintenance Charge (AMC) in Upstox?

What is the cost of delivery order in Upstox ?

What is the cost for intra-day in Upstox ?

What are the cost of Futures in Upstox ?

What are the cost for options in Upstox ?

What is the cost for commodity on Upstox ?

What is the cost for currency trading on Upstox ?

What is the cost for transaction on Upstox ?

Does Upstox allow IPO ?