Upstox FAQs

Is Upstox a private company or listed company ?

Upstox is not listed. It is a private company owned by Mr. Ravi Kumar, Mr. Shrinivas Viwanath. Upstox also has significant private investors such as Mr. Ratan Tata and Tiger Global Management, GVK Davix, Kalaari Capital Partners, and GVK Davix are some of the major private investors in upstox.

Is trading software integrated with the back office in Upstox ?

Are AMO/BO/CO available in Upstox web or mobile platform ?

Can we invest in Mutual Funds through Upstox ?

Why should a person open Upstox Basics account if there is free Equity Delivery Trading is free in Upstox Basic and Upstox Pro account ?

Why exe based trading terminal does not offer by Upstox so that I can install it on computer ?

Does any kind of Algo trading facilities are offered by Upstox ?

Does Upstox have SL and Trailing SL features ?

Does Upstox trading platform have modern strategies like Ichimoku Trend trading with ADX indicators ?

For third party demat linking , how long the shares will stay in your beneficiary account ?

Does BO and CO or Trailing SL facility in commodity available in Upstox ?

Can Upstox be profitable ?

What are the Annual Maintenance Charge (AMC) in Upstox?

What is the cost of delivery order in Upstox ?

What is the cost for intra-day in Upstox ?

What are the cost of Futures in Upstox ?

What are the cost for options in Upstox ?

What is the cost for commodity on Upstox ?

What is the cost for currency trading on Upstox ?

What is the cost for transaction on Upstox ?

Does Upstox allow IPO ?