Upstox FAQs

What are the steps to find Upstox DP ID ?

Upstox is part of both depository participants, i.e. NSDL, CDSL. Your DP id may vary depending on the DP with which you have an account.

Steps to Find Upstox ID:

  1. Go to
  2. Click 'Sign in' > 'Dashboard'
  3. Login to the dashboard (upstox Back Office)
  4.  At the top in right side ,click on your name ..
  5. Click on 'My Profile.
  6. Scroll down to see details about the 'Linked Demat Accounts, as shown below.
  • Name: IL & FS
  • Type: NSDL
  • DP ID: IN300095
  • Account Number: 11042100

Your Upstox demat number has 16 digits. The DP ID will be  the first 8 digits. The 8 remaining digits make up the Client ID. You can also get DP ID using your demat account number.

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