Upstox FAQs

Why should a person open Upstox Basics account if there is free Equity Delivery Trading is free in Upstox Basic and Upstox Pro account ?

The main difference between Upstox Pro and Upstox is the trading platform (or website).

Upstox is a basic trading website that's intended for investors and not traders. Although it has a few limitations, it is sufficient for investors who only buy and sell shares once in a while. It is simple to use, fast and easy to use.

Upstox Pro is a trading platform for intraday and F&O traders. It offers all the traditional trading features.

It's a good idea to use Upstox basic if you are a sharemarket investor (who mostly does delivery-based trading).

Is Upstox backed by funding from Mr. Ratan Tata ?

Is Upstox a private company or listed company ?

Is Upstox a genuine or not ?

Is Upstox is good or not ?

Does Upstox do Proprietary trading ?

How a person can close upstox account ?

How I can change my email address on the Upstox account ?

Can I change my phone number on the Upstox ?

What are the difference between RKSV and Upstox ?

Is Upstox registered stock broker in SEBI ?

What are the steps to find Upstox DP ID ?

Which one is better option in Upstox and Zerodha ?

Can we find BTST service option in Upstox ?

Can we find STBT service option in Upstox ?

Does Upstox on its trading software allow adding custom technical indicators ?

What does Upstox mean ?

How RKSV is different from Upstox ? How RKSV and Upstox relate ?

Does Upstox offers brokerage free trading ?

Why Upstox offers brokerage free trading and how it makes money from free trading ?

How Upstox is different from Upstox Pro?