Autoinvest FAQs

Define Frequency and Total period.

The frequency is the time period after the start date when you want SIP orders placed in your account. The order must be executed at least once.

These are the frequencies and maximum periods that are allowed.

FrequencyMaximum allowed period

You can take an example. If you have put a SIP Instruction to buy 100 shares of ONGC at a Monthly' frequency for a total of 2 months, with a start date of 12-07-2011 Securities will place two orders for this SIP. The first order will be placed on the Start date, and the second order in the month following the start date.

Who can avail this facility?

What does autoinvest mean?

What do you mean by autoinvest instruction?

Differentiate between autoinvest instruction and autoinvest order.

What kind of autoinvest instruction be choosen?

Describe 'Amount' based SIP.

Describe 'Quantity based ' SIP?

Describe SIP name and its importance.

Is any additional charge there ?

How can someone register for SIP?

Can SIP instruction be cancelled?

How does SIP Instructions are modified?

How much amount needed to maintain in account every month?

For autoinvest orders, will my account get directly debited?

The autoinvest order will be placed at what price and where can someone find its details?

To modify/cancel SIP Instruction, what is the cutoff time?

Can SIP be scheduled for later date?

In a single instruction, in how many scrips I can invest?

Through Autoinvest, in which stock I can invest?

is there any minimum or maximum criteria for SIP investment?