Basics of Options Trading FAQs

What does volume and open interest mean in options ?

Volume and open interest (OI), measure traders' interest in a specific option. This is used by traders to determine the liquidity of an option. Options with low volume or open interest will have fewer buyers and sellers, and therefore low liquidity.

Volume-It's the total amount of options contracts that were traded between buyers or sellers. It is calculated daily. Let's say, for example, that a buyer purchases 10 options and a seller has 10 options. The volume for the day will therefore be 10.

Open Interest- It is the total number or contracts held by traders. Excludes expired and exercised contracts. Let's say that 3 traders hold 10 contracts. The open interest for the day would then be 30.

How do you find the OI and volume of an option?

By reading the options chain, you can find out the volume and open interest of the selected Option. To search for the desired option, go to Click on the options link to go to the page for the particular options.

Nifty 50

What is the work of Options ?

How many types of Options ?

What is strike price of option ?

When does Options expire?

What is the process for trading options ?

How futures and Options are different ?

How Nifty can be traded ?

What will happen when an option expires out of money ?

Do I have to pay margin in Options ?

How can the Options contracts be settled ?

What do you mean by Covered Options ?

When do you mean by Naked Options ?

What does American Options refers to ?

What does European option mean? ?

In Options , What is the meaning of At-The-Money , Out-of-the-Money (OTM) and In-The-Money ?

How to take decision on either to buy /sell call Option or put Option ?

Is it possible to trade on option of any stock or index?

How Square off and exercise an Option is different ?

What does intrinsic value of an option mean and how to calculate intrinsic value of an option ?

What does time value of an Option mean ?