Demat Account related FAQs

How securities can be transferred from one account to another?

Off-market transactions, i.e. transfers of securities from one account into another account, are possible. Without routing through brokers or stock exchanges, you can transfer securities from one account to another by providing the client identification number and depository participant identity number. You must submit the completed slip to the DP responsible for your demat account. After the Client has received the executed document, the NSDL will affect the transfer. There are charges and the transferor must disclose the market value for the shares to be transferred on a separate form that is to be attached with the off-market slip.

Is it necessary to have an demat account to apply in an IPO?

Can I apply in an IPO if I don't have a Demat account?

On Demat account how much interest is given?

What maintenance charges are there for a demat account? Is there any processing fees or hidden charges on transactions I make on a demat account?

If I don't hold any share in my demat account, do I need to pay any annual maintenance charge

Can a person keep more than one demat account with same name?

Can a minor open a demat account?

Diffrenciate between Demat account number and Trading account number?

What are NSDL & CDSL?

Is a minor eligible to open a trading account?

Define Depository.

Define Depository Participants.

What does Dematerialisation process mean?

What are the benefits of holding shares in a demat account? Is it mandatory for all investors to open a Demat account in order to trade on the stock market?

How many demat account can a trader open?

In Demat account is there any nomination facility?

For any update in my personal details do I need to contact all companies?

What do I need to do with transaction statement, If I don't do trade on a regular basis?

How can I get help if I have any issue with my NSDL Demat account?

Can I get a loan at my Demat holdings?