Good Till Cancelled FAQs

How does the GTC Order feature work?

GTC requests are made based on client instructions to place buy/sell orders in the given scrips until the specified time period for GTC orders. However, execution of all quantities has not occurred.

Order Example

The current market price is 250

ABC Scrip Name = Scrip Name

Quantity = 100

You can buy this scrip for 200 Rs. In the next 200 days you can place a GTC Order with buying price = 200, quantity = 100, and choose your Close date (i.e. You have 200 days to close the order.

Order Example The current market price is = 250

ABC Scrip Name = Scrip Name

Quantity = 100

You can sell this scrip for 300 Rs. In the next 200 days you can place a GTC Order with selling price = 300 and quantity = 100, and choose your Close date (i.e. You have 200 days to close the order.

What is "GTC?"

What is the maximum validity of a GTC Order?

Can this facility be available to all segments.

To whom this facility is allowed ?

What is the best way to sell stocks that are not in my Demat account?

Could I place GTC orders using a disclosed quantity?

Could I place Stop loss GTC order?

Can Someone place market orders using the GTC facility?

Could GTC orders be placed during pre-open sessions?

How much margin do I need for GTC order validity?

What is the Order Close Date?

How do I set the Close Date?

What happens if the GTC Order Close Date falls on a non-trading date?

Is GTC is accessible on all exchanges?

Are GTC orders possible at any hour of the day?

Are GTC available by trade and call.

Are there any restrictions on the number of GTC orders that can be placed?

Are there restrictions on the number of scrips that can be used to place GTC orders?

Are GTC available for all scrips?

Is there a limit to the GTC orders on scrip in particular?