Mutual funds related FAQs

How investors can file their complaint ?

Investors will find the name and contact information for the mutual fund scheme in the offer document. They can use this information to address any queries, complaints, or grievances. The mutual fund's activities are monitored by trustees. In the offer documents, the names of trustees and directors of asset management companies are also listed. Investors are advised to contact the Mutual Fund / Investor Service Centre concerned with any complaints.

Investors may contact SEBI to have their complaints redressed if they are not resolved. SEBI receives complaints and investigates the matter with the mutual fund concerned. It then follows up with it frequently. Investors can send their complaints to:

Securities and Exchange Board of India
Office of Investor Assistance and Education
Plot No.C4A-A, "G" Block 1st Floor
Bandra-Kurla Complex,
Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051.
Telephone: 26449199-87-87

From where an investor get to know about mutual funds ?

Can an investor nominate an individual as nominee in the units of mutual funds ?

What happens to the money if mutual fund scheme is wound up ?

How a mutual fund can register with SEBI ?

How Net Asset Value determined after apply ?

How many types of mutual funds scheme ?

What does Tax saving scheme means ?

What does Exchange trade fund work ?

What does Capital protection oriented scheme work ?

What does Expense ratio work ?

What does CAS ( consolidated Account Statement ) means ?

Do I need to pay entry charge to the person who sells mutual fund scheme ?

From where an investor get the information about the actual commission paid to distributors and about TER ?

What does ASBA ( Application Supported by Blocked Amounts ) means ?

What does Direct Plan work ?

Can an investor make payment through cash in mutual funds ?

How much fee payable by a MF / AMC ?

What are the restrictions on the fees that can pay for the scheme ?

In the limit of expense is service tax included ?

What is the timing for SEBI's observations on SID ?