Mutual funds related FAQs

What does Expense ratio work ?

The expense ratio is the annual fund operating costs of a scheme as a percentage the fund's daily net assets. Administration, management, and advertising expenses are all examples of operating expenses. A fund's expense ratio of 1% per year means that 1% of its total assets will be used each year to cover expenses. The offer document contains information about the expense ratios that might be applicable to a particular scheme. The expense ratio in India is currently fungible. This means that there is no limit to any type of expense, as long as it is within the prescribed limit. Refer to regulation 52 of 1996 SEBI (Mutual Funds Regulations) Regulations for more information about the expense ratio.

Who can be eligible for investment in mutual funds ?

What does Net Asset Value (NAV ) refers to ?

What does Purchase Price means ?

What does Redemption Price means ?

What does Exit Load means ?

What does the Scheme Information Document and the Statement of Additional Information means ?

What is the importance of the Scheme information Document and Statement of Additional Information to investors ?

What does cut - off timing means ?

What does Current Value of investment means ?

When Net Asset Value is announced ?

After making investment ,how i will receive my account statement ?

What can a person do if he does not receive account statement ?

What are the steps for Redemption ?

What Systematic Investment Plan (SIP ) does works?

What Rupee Cost Averaging does works ?

Can an investor have directly redemption proceeds to his bank account ?

What documents need to be submitted with a purchase application ?

What is the history of indian mutual funds and role of SEBI in mutual funds in India ?

In what form mutual fund is set up?

What does sector specific funds work ?