Stock Market Basics FAQs

What is the reason behind the Ups and Downs in the share price?

In simple words the answer could be  "Demand & Supply". The share will rise if there's more demand for shares of company companies and less people willing to buy them. The share will fall if there is an inordinate amount of supply, but no one is willing to buy shares at the current price.

The big question now is: How does additional demand come into the market? There are many factors involved in this, including the company's financial results, overall economy performance, sector performance and government rules & regulation. These factors also affect the future of the company, future products & services, management changes, stock exchange frauds, and company management.

All of these factors and many others can affect the demand and supply of company stock and eventually cause it to move up and down.

It is difficult to predict stock movements and requires a lot of research and expertise.

What do you mean by 'Thematic investing'?

Are Thematic Investing and Mutual funds different?

How many types of derivatives are there?

Does option trading require Demat account?

Does stock market open on Saturday?

Define a broker.

what do you mean by Securities Transaction tax?