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This module's main purpose is to show you different systems and provide insight into how they are created. This module …
Stock prices for companies with similar business environments tend to show similar price movements.It is possible to quantify the price …
Spreads The spread is the most widely used jargon in the trading industry. If you're scalping the market, the spread …
Mark Whistler wrote a book called "Trading Pairs", which discusses the pair trading strategy we are currently discussing. This book …
Pair trading is dominated by normal distribution.Pair trading is dominated by normal distribution.The 2 and standard deviations allow for 95% …
The standard deviation value is the ratio's average deviation, regardless of its position in relation to the mean.If the ratio …
A pair trader basically tracks the ratio and the corresponding density curve value. A pair trade occurs when the ratio …
According to the straight line equations, the value for a dependent variable (y) can be deduced from an independent variable …
Linear regression can be described as a statistical operation in which the input is an array with two sets of …
I hope you have gained a good understanding of linear regression. Also, how to conduct linear regression operations on two …
If two time series (stock X or stock Y) are "co integrated", it means that they move together. Any deviation …
The stock price of one stock is hedged with the stock prices of the other stocks. The beta of x …
Trading is more than just trading. There's a multivariate regression. This is not a difficult concept to grasp, but I …
Although the discussion of pair trading was supposed to be finished with the previous chapter I felt I needed to …
Calendar spreads have traditionally been dealt with using a price-based approach.You can either sell the mid-month contracts and buy the …
Momentum can be defined as the rate at which there is a change in return.Over any time period it can …
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