Basics Of Stock Market - Intermediate

Tax on Share Trading

Security Transaction Tax (STT) applies to all securities purchased and sold after September 1, 2004 STT stands for Security Transaction Tax. It is a tax that India imposes on share trading. Learn more about Tax Implications of Trading in Shares …

Portfolio Management Vs Portfolio Management Services

What is Portfolio Management? Portfolio Management is the allocation of funds to different asset classes. Portfolio management services are for managing investors portfolio. Factors that can determine an investor's investment goal: The risk appetite of an individual is a key …

What is risk management?

What is Risk Management? Risk management is the process of identifying investment risk and taking steps to mitigate it. Learn about risk management, the different types of uncertainty in derivative markets and how investors view it to manage the risks. …

What is Foreign Exchange?

Foreign Exchange Forex, also known as foreign exchange, refers to the exchange of currency from one country into another. We will explain what Forex trading is, the functions of foreign currency market and many other details. FX traders seek to …

Learn Everything About Equity Systematic Investment Plan (Equity SIP).

What is Equity Systematic Investment Plan? Equity SIP allows investors to buy certain shares in a regular, systematic way. Learn about equity SIP and its features. Investors can systematically buy shares through equity SIPs. They receive periodic payments, either weekly, …

India's Share Price Factors What are the influences that affect stock prices?

Stock markets are volatile.Variables can cause volatility. Changes in stock prices are influenced by the following factors: Sentiment of the market Performance of the industry Government policies News from the company Market Capitalization The share price is determined by market …

Financial Planning: What is it? Benefits and common mistakes in financial planning

Introduction: Financial planning refers to the management of your finances in order for you to reach your financial goals. We will explain you what financial planning is, the benefits and mistakes you should avoid when planning your finances. Financial planning …

Savings and Investments - Know the Difference Between Savings & Investing

Save or invest Let's first learn the basics of saving and investing before we begin our journey to financial independence. An investor who is disciplined creates a balance of the two. Saving refers to the act of storing hard cash …