Intraday Trading

Time Period Analysis of Intraday Trading

Daily charts are most popular for intraday trading. They show price movements over a 1-day period. These charts are useful for short-term and medium-term analysis. However, some traders may also use them for long-term analysis. Daily charts should be used to analyze periods that exceed six weeks. This is the thumb rule. These charts are useful in helping to assess stock movements and provide a clear picture of stock performance. It is useful in planning your trading strategy.

Intraday Trading Charts

These charts are very popular in the trading industry. They show the price movement between the opening bell of the trading session and the closing of that trading session. Intraday charts can be used in many ways. These are the most popular charts used for intraday trading on India's stock market .

  • Hourly Charts

    These charts show the price movements for a stock over a certain period of time. These charts provide detailed information within the time frame of one trading day. Each bar or candlestick represents the opening, closing, high and low for each hour of the analysis period. These are typically used for short-term trades that last between a few hours and a few days.

  • 15-minute charts:

    These charts show the closing, opening, high and low price movements for a stock at 15-minute intervals. These charts can be used to trade day trades that last from one hour to several trading sessions.

  • Intraday Five-Minute Charts

    This chart is the most used by traders. This chart shows the price movements of stocks or indexes over a specific time period. Each bar represents the five-minute opening, closing, high and low for the selected time period. These charts can be used to quickly scalp trades that last from several minutes up to several hours. Long-term traders also use this chart to determine and choose the most efficient entry points and exit points, while initiating trades for a longer time. An intraday tip that can benefit longer-term investors is to use the five-minute intraday chart for long-term stock market investment.

  • Two-Minute Chart

    Stock market traders love this intraday chart. This chart shows the price movement over several hours during the same trading day. Each candlestick displays the opening, closing, high and low for the chosen period at two-minute intervals. These charts are best for day trading or scalping. The range of time between a few minutes and several hours can be displayed on a single trading session.

  • Tick-Trade Charts:

    These line charts show every trade executed on the stock exchange. These charts are useful for traders because they show the completion of trades. If the market is not liquid, the chart will be depicted with a flat line. High liquidity market charts display constantly changing ticks. This chart is useful for intraday trading. It tracks every transaction and shows the movement of the stock price. Trader use tick charts to track 'out-of-money' trades and for scalping.

Market conditions can change depending on traders' perspective. It is essential to analyze the time period in order to be successful. This intraday trading tip must be kept in mind.

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