A Short Brief on Net Asset Value

Net Asset Value (NAV), is the sum of the current value and total liabilities, divided by the number of outstanding units. An investor can track the performance of a fund's NAV.

A fund management company (AMC) declares the NAV for its schemes every business day.

This is why I will give you an example. Let's suppose that the mutual fund has issued 10 million units and has a market value of Rs 500 lakh. Then the NAV per unit is Rs50.

What are the ways through which mutual fund operates?

Types of mutual funds

What are the potential risks of investing in mutual funds?

A brief on Mutual Funds

What are the advantages of investing in mutual funds

What is the process of setting up a mutual fund?

Basics of Mutual Funds

How do mutual funds work?

Different types of mutual fund schemes

Investment objectives and their classification

Choices in number of investment options/plans to the Investors

Benefits of investing in Mutual Funds

Some of the Myths about Mutual Fund