Choices in number of investment options/plans to the Investors

Investment Plans/Options Available to Investors

Investment Plans: Direct plan allows investors to invest directly with the fund house without any agent or distributor. This saves money and helps them cut down on expenses. Direct plans have a separate NAV. This is usually higher than regular or normal plans. The direct plan does not require any commission to agents/distributors and so the NAV is higher.

Normal or Regular Plan: Investors can choose to invest through an agent/distributor in order to receive their investment advice/services. A separate NAV is available for the regular plan. This is because direct plans have higher fees to cover intermediary commissions.

Investment Options: The growth option does not pay dividends to unit holders. The NAV of units in this option reflects income attributable to unit holders. Redeeming units can allow investors to realize capital appreciation, if applicable.

Dividend Payment Option: Unit holders can receive dividends under this option. The NAV of units is affected by the amount of dividends paid and any applicable statutory levies.

Dividend Reinvestment Option: The dividend earned on units purchased under this option can be re-invested into the scheme at an ex-dividend NAV. Investors receive additional units in lieu of dividends.

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Types of mutual funds

A Short Brief on Net Asset Value

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A brief on Mutual Funds

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What is the process of setting up a mutual fund?

Basics of Mutual Funds

How do mutual funds work?

Different types of mutual fund schemes

Investment objectives and their classification

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