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What is Daily margin Statement and how to interpret it?

Capital markets offer a dynamic environment that caters to many investors. Investors have many options and segments to choose from. You can choose to trade in the derivatives or cash segments. Margin trading is available in all major trading segments. This allows investors to access additional capital. Margin trading can increase the amount of profits and decreases in losses. Margin trading is a popular option for investors who trade in many segments. This makes it difficult to keep track of finances. Stockbrokers offer daily margin statements to investors in order to improve transparency and aid them with their finances.

What's the daily margin statement?

According to exchange regulations, the daily margin statement (or passworaily margin statement) is mandatory. This statement informs clients about how they have used the margin. This statement gives information about the available margin in the account and allows you to open new positions without paying a penalty. The Securities and Exchange Board of India has established a format for the daily margin statement. Uniformity and easy understanding are guaranteed by a definite format. You can trade across exhad-protected documents that are sent to all clients before the close of each trading day. The daily margin statement, which contains data from all exchanges, will be sent to the clients. If trading takes place across multiple segments, the daily marg statement will include data from all segments. If you trade on the National Stock Exchange (NSE), the daily margin statement will include data from both equity cash and equity derivatives segments. Data from both segments will be included in the daily margin statement.

How do you interpret a daily margin statement.

Market regulators have established a format for daily margin statements. Stockbrokers must comply with these requirements.

Funds This section shows the closing balance after reversed credit and debit from the trading day. Data pertaining to futures, options, and CDS are reversed. In the case of cash segments, credit and debit are reversed on T day. According to stockbrokers' terminology, T day is the trading date. If you executed trades on Sep 7, then the trading day for daily margin statements will be Sep 7. The daily margin statement will likely reflect the amount of the cheque if you send it in on the trading day. Until the cheque clears by the bank, however, most brokers don't include the amount of the check in their daily margin statements.

After haircut, value of securities: This section shows the total value after a haircut. This section includes the margin received from pledging holdings. These securities are not withheld by brokers. The VAR margin rate is the minimum haircut amount. The broker decides the VAR margin rate and adjusts it according to his risk management policy.

FDR/Bank guarantees: This section details the initial margin that is available following the provision of a bank guarantee or fixed deposit. It is usually given against equity derivatives or currency segments in the daily margin statement.

Any other approved margin: In order to trade in the currency or equity derivatives segments, you must provide an initial margin.

Total upfront Margin: This section shows the total SPAN, exposure margin, and option premium that was purchased to block positions taken by the investor.

MTM All mark-to-market losses are shown in the MTM section.

Total requirement This section lists the total amount that the exchange has blocked for you positions. Each trade segment has its total requirement.

Margin status This section displays the available balance for new positions on the next trading session.


The daily margin report provides traders with a detailed picture of their daily finances. Brokers have made margin facilities a very popular tool for traders in order to increase their transactions. With the increase in margin trading, the importance of daily margin statements has increased.

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