Wisdom Capital (None)

Discount Broker Depository: CDSL

Wisdom Capital was founded in 2013 and offers brokerage services for stocks and future options. Wisdom Capital Group provides broker-assisted trade execution and automated online investment on all stocks in NSE and BSE. You can get charts, live data, etc. at no cost or a low price to make informed decisions and reap substantial rewards. Wisdom Capital can offer precious metal futures via any of its trading platforms. This allows investors to invest in these commodities without worrying about the safety of precious metals. Trade-in virtually all metals and non-Agri commodities is possible for investors.

Wisdom Capital Products

The segments that you can invest in are equity, commodity, currency, futures, and options.
  • Equity
  • Commodity
  • Currency
  • Futures
  • Options

Wisdom Capital Trading Softwares

A collection of software and applications that the broker offers to help you execute online buy/sell orders. These are the names of their portals and mobile apps.
  • WisdomPro
  • NEST Trader
  • Wisdom Power

Wisdom Capital Brokerage Plans

Choose from one or more plans below. Use tabs if multiple plans available. A single plan includes all the basic charges and brokerages, margins, etc.

Wisdom Capital Other Investment Options

Services provided by the broker for investing in other financial assets such as Bonds & Debt, Exchange Traded Funds, etc.
  • Mutual Funds
  • IPO Platforms
  • Bonds & Debt
  • Exchange Traded Funds
  • Insurance

Wisdom Capital Additional Features

Extra features are provided by the broker at little or no extra cost. Like SMS Alerts, Margin Funding, Margin Against Share, etc.
  • 3 in 1 Account
  • Free Recommendations
  • Free Research Reports
  • SMS Alerts
  • Margin Funding
  • Margin Against Share

Wisdom Capital Pros

These are the benefits of Wisdom Capital.
Trade all market segments i.e. Trade all market segments, i.e. NSE Cash, F&O Currency, MCX Commodities, and Currency with one trading terminal.
Trading at NSE, BSE, and MCX is possible with monthly unlimited trading plans
Trading Software, including websites, mobile apps, and installable terminals, is available free of charge.
No minimum brokerage.
You can trade Nifty with 3000, Crude at 3000, and Mega Gold at 9000 margins.
They offer full and semi-automated Algo trading.

Wisdom Capital Cons

These are the cons of Wisdom Capital.

Wisdom Capital does not offer investment opportunities in IPO, FPO, or Mutual Funds.
Semi-automatic trading with Algo is possible for an additional Rs 550 per monthly.

Our Conclusion

Wisdom Capital is the right choice if you're looking for a discount broker that's easy to use. There are three brokerage plans available, all of which are suitable for both beginners and experts.

They offer a variety of financial tools and powerful trading platforms. They are an excellent source of investment and a gateway to other great opportunities.

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